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Computer Networks

Comparison between OSI Model and TCP/IP reference model.

Feature OSI Model TCP/IP Model
Developer ISO (International Standard Organization) ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network)
Distinction Clear distinction between interfaces, services, and protocols No clear distinction between services, interfaces, and protocols
Name Open Systems Interconnection Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
Quality of Services Provides quality services Does not provide quality services
Approach Vertical approach Horizontal approach
Layers Seven layers Four layers
Network Layer Service Provides both connection-oriented and connection-less service Provides only connection-less service
Physical and Data Link Layers Separate layers Combined as a single network access layer
Session and Presentation Layers Part of the model Not present in the model
Defined After/Before Internet Defined after the advent of the Internet Defined before the advent of the Internet
Minimum Header Size 5 bytes 20 bytes
Transport Layer Guarantee Provides a guarantee for packet delivery Does not provide a guarantee for packet delivery
Development Sequence Developed first; protocols created to fit the network architecture’s needs Protocols created first; model built to fit the protocols