Distributed Systems
Define the transparency list and explain the different forms of transparency with suitable example.
- In distributed systems, transparency refers to the ability to hide the underlying complexities of the system from the users and applications.
- Transparency ensures that the distributed system should be perceived as a single entity by the users or the application programmers rather than the collection of multiple, distributed components.
- The transparency list is a categorization of the different types of transparency that can be achieved in distributed systems.
Access Transparency:
- Access Transparency refers to the ability of a distributed system to provide uniform access to resources, regardless of their location or representation.
- For example, accessing a remote file using NFS (Network File System) appears the same as accessing a local file.
Location Transparency:
- Location Transparency refers to the ability of a distributed system to provide the illusion that resources are local, even though they may be physically distributed across multiple machines.
- For example, a user accessing a file on a remote server should not have to be aware of the differences between accessing a local file and accessing a remote file.
Concurrency Transparency:
- Concurrency Transparency refers to the ability of a distributed system to provide concurrent access to resources, without the user or application being aware of the concurrency.
- For example, multiple users accessing the same file simultaneously without encountering inconsistencies.
Parallelism Transparency:
- Parallelism Transparency enables parallel activities to run without users knowing how, where, and when it is made possible by the systems.
Failure Transparency:
- Failure Transparency refers to the ability of a distributed system to hide the effects of failures, such as hardware failures, network failures, or software crashes, from users and applications.
- For example, if a server fails, users should not be aware of the failure and should be able to continue using the system.
Replication transparency:
- Replication transparency refers to the ability of the system to hide the fact that multiple copies of a resource exist.
- For example, a user accessing a file should not have to know whether they are accessing the original copy or a replicated copy.
Migration Transparency:
- Migration Transparency refers to the ability of a distributed system to allow resources to be moved between different physical locations or machines without affecting the operations that use those resources.
- For example, migrating a virtual machine between different physical servers without interrupting the service provided by that machine.
Performance Transparency:
- Performance Transparency refers to the ability of a distributed system to hide the details of performance-related issues, such as network latency or server load, from users and applications.
- For example, a user accessing a remote file may not be aware of the network latency that affects the performance of the operation.
Security Transparency:
- Security Transparency refers to the ability of a distributed system to provide secure access to resources, without the user or application being aware of the security mechanisms in place.
- For example, a user accessing a remote server using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption.
Administration Transparency:
- Administration Transparency refers to the ability of a distributed system to simplify the administrative tasks involved in managing the system.
- For example, a system that automatically manages the allocation of resources based on demand and availability.